429 Too Many Requests

429 Too Many Requests



COVID-19 poses a formidable challenge for all of us

We are a diverse and dedicated international team and from an early stage we have been closely following the development of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Not only in business, but also in private life, the main thought that guides and motivates our entire team is the need to build solidarity, especially in times like these. In practical terms, this means that we are actively supporting our regular customers who are actors in the health system (for example, clinics, pharmacies and aid organizations) by meeting their needs for single-use packaging.

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Household plastic recycling is a disaster; can biobased plastics be part of the solution?

Plastic recycling

From the 8 billion metric tons of plastics which have been produced since the 1950’s hardly 10% has been recycled. Recycling of plastic waste is problematic in general, but this pertains especially to the highly polluted, fragmented mix of household plastics. To make anything useful out of this diverse stream is increasingly becoming a herculean task. With the global production of plastic set to double within the next 15 years we need swift and concrete solutions. Marginal gains won’t get us out of this recycling mess. Fortunately, there are ways to solve it and biobased materials are part of the answer.


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Simple yet good ideas for a more sustainable festival!

Sometimes it looks like the amount of festivals keeps increasing every year. There is something to do every weekend and we also don’t stop in the winter season anymore. Great for the ones that like to go to a party, but it also has an enormous impact on the environment. More and more festival organisations and event management agencies are aware of this and take measures to make their event more sustainable. Usually this happens with some standard solutions, which has some but little impact on the amount of used energy or the amount of waste. Sometimes, the ideas are a lot more original yet simple and they improve the sustainability and increase the awareness.



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Visiting: Familie van Rijk (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Tucked away between some other small businesses and a Hema you find a small shop with a fresh look. The mint green building with the yellow sign stands out between the overall sober building in the street. On the window, it clearly shows what you can expect here. Lunchroom, Food shop and “Brood op de Zaak” (Bread for Businesses). Three different components that form the base of Familie van Rijk, with an extra area where you can buy special beers.

The lunchroom and the food shop are founded in 2016, in an old bakery at the Amsterdamsestraatweg in Utrecht (NL). The owner, Raymond & IJsbrand, have known each other for 15 years and have been working together for quite some time. They have been working with us (Bio Futura) for some years now, time to get to know these hard working guys a bit better.

Familie van Rijk The Netherlands 1

Photo: www.familievanrijk

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Entomophagy: The alternative for meat?

Scientists, specialists and a big part of social media have been telling us this for a while
now: It is necessary to eat less meat. For our own health and for the environment. Time
to take a look at an alternative: Insects!

Years ago, this idea was strange, exotic, scary or even repulsive: eating insects. These are
thoughts many people from Europe might still have when it comes to this subject, but times are
changing. There are already numerous catering companies and restaurants that experiment with
insects in their dishes. Also, a lot of edible insects can be purchased online with complementary
cookbooks of course. 


Insect Burger

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FOCUS ON: Tableware from fallen palm leaves (Part 3)

‘A nature’s miracle’ is how we at Bio Futura describe our palm leaf tableware. It is about time to put the spotlight on the many great qualities of the material like its durability, strength and compostability. Therefore we have created this four part series about palm leaf. In this series, various characteristics and (environmental) benefits of palm leaf are discussed, which guarantee that our clients purchase a completely natural product.

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FOCUS ON: Tableware from fallen palm leaves (Part 2)

‘A nature’s miracle’ is how we at Bio Futura describe our palm leaf tableware. It is about time to put the spotlight on the many great qualities of the material like its durability, strength and compostability. Therefore we have created this four part series about palm leaf. In this series, various characteristics and (environmental) benefits of palm leaf are discussed, which guarantee that our clients purchase a completely natural product.


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FOCUS ON: Tableware from fallen palm leaves (Part 1)

‘A nature’s miracle’ is how we at Bio Futura describe our palm leaf tableware. It is about time to put the spotlight on the many great qualities of the material like its durability, strength and compostability. Therefore we have created this four part series about palm leaf. In this series, various characteristics and (environmental) benefits of palm leaf are discussed, which guarantee that our clients purchase a completely natural product.


Palmblad Bio Futura Deel 1

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